Coming Soon

Posted: 11/19/2021 in Uncategorized

I am working though the learning curve. I finally started taking action to make my latest dream into a reality. When I was approaching sixty I began to study AGING. Why not, I was heading there fast. The more I read, watched and heard on the topic the more i wanted to share. I was determined not only to become a senior citizen, but I wanted to become an advocate for seniors. I began attending lectures, going to expos and even became an AARP volunteer. All was great, until the pandemic. Events were cancelled. Most things went virtual. Ok, life goes on. Then the lightbulb finally switched on. A YouTube Channel.

It’s in the works. I am working the learning curve. In a few days “Rock of Aging” a YouTube channel about all things related to senior adults will be up and running. Health, safety, nutrition, money, exercise, travel and anything else seniors are interested in will be covered. No politics, religion or controversial issues, just life and lifestyle.

As a lifelong learner this is keeping me reading, listening and watching more than ever. I’m in it for the long haul. I hopeful that we will be able to help, encourage and challenge seniors to live to their best.


Everyday is AMAZING

Posted: 11/03/2021 in Uncategorized

I am currently working on starting a YouTube channel. Since I have a television production background, some of this is easy. Since my studies in TV were in the late 70s and I have not done any real production work in over twenty years, I have to stretch. Stretch, grow, learn and unlearn. However, since my channel will focus on aging and living life to the fullest, learning and growing, it all fit right in.

From the day I decided to start a channel about all aspects of senior living, I was determine not to spend any money out of pocket to make it happen. The costs are minimal, but if the channel is going to work, I made up my mind to make it self sustaining from the beginning. So how do I do that?

Three weeks ago I started selling stuff on Facebook Market place; things I’ve had for years and was not using. So far I’ve sold a spare mandolin, two lawn mowers, other lawn equipment, some martial arts equipment, extra toys that my grandson doesn’t need. That is just the start. I have over twenty items posted that haven’t sold yet and ten times that amount that needs to go. I’m funding the YouTube channel, minimizing, decluttering, getting good items in the hands of people that need them and I am learning to sell online. WIN. WIN. WIN.

The best of all is some of the people I am meeting. I now am friends with a full time yard sale organizer, an Army vet with a ton of stories and a martial arts instructor who works will special needs children. I have a destination, but am also enjoying the ride



Posted: 10/19/2021 in Uncategorized

After several years of inactivity on this blog, I’m back.

I’ve retired from one job, returned to real estate, I have continued to travel, continued to work out, gone from an obstacle race participant to a volunteer. I turned 65 ,66 and 67. I lost my mother five years ago and become a first time grandfather two years. I have learn to appreciate friend, new and old: near and far away. I have embraced a carnivore/keto eating pattern. I’ve become a fan of Timothy Ferriss, Jordan B. Peterson and Jocko Willink. I’ve read some Isabel Allende, most of Sherlock Holmes and all of Lisbeth Slender (the girl with the dragon tattoo). I also have read The Nickle Boys and The Rape of Nanking: accounts of just how awful we can be to other human beings if given to opportunity. I’ve also picked up the guitar again, as well as the ukulele and the mandolin. The latter has also helped me to become a bluegrass fan. None of these are excuses for not blogging, but hopefully have made in a more interested person and a better blogger.

Posted: 02/24/2020 in Uncategorized

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Taking a short break during my trip to Hawaii in Aug. 2021
Ready to finish 2021 and set 2022 on fire.

Posted: 01/14/2014 in Uncategorized

Your Big Why

 What is your big WHY? What is the one goal that you have that moves you from good to great? What is that dream that makes you rise earlier, prepare better, and work smarter? Is there a special home that you want for your family? What is that great adventure vacation you have been dreaming of? What do what do you want your daughter’s wedding to look like? Where do you want top spend your 25th wedding anniversary?  What charity or cause really get you passionate?  Whether it is college for the kids, a mission’s trip to the third world, or that ‘hot red convertible’, you need to have a big why. Your big why can be any thing you want for yourself, your family, your community or the world, but it has to be BIG. Your big why has to move you out of your comfort zone and into the world of possibilities. Think big, aim high, act bold and have a BIG WHY.

Buried Treasure
There are pieces of ground throughout the world which contain buried treasure. Right now, possibly within a few miles of where you are sitting, there are tremendous riches buried a few feet below the surface. Books that were never written, songs that were never songs and dreams that were never realized fill the graveyards of this world. Millions of people have left this life and are buried with their talents, dreams and possibilities, Wonderful gifts; the talents of a promising life, lost forever. And what will you do? Will you allow your talents and dreams to be buried forever in a grave marked “COULD HAVE BEEN”, or will you plant them in good soil, to bless not only you, but your family, your community and your world for years to come. GROW.

Aside  —  Posted: 01/13/2014 in Uncategorized

Staying on Track

Posted: 01/08/2014 in Uncategorized

A FB friend just asked me a heavy question: How do I keep workin on my goals? Here is my answer.

Wow, that’s a big one.The best answer I can give is “If the dream is big enough, the facts don’t matter.” What is your BIG WHY? Covey says START WITH THE END IN MIND. What is it that really moves you? Where do you want to be in 3 to 5 years? Next year? Six months from now? What do you want for your family? For your kids? What legacy do you want to leave? If you know what you want, the BIG WHY(s), write it down. Put a date on it. Share it with like minded people. Write on the bathroom mirror. FOCUS. Fall down? Get back up. Miss a day(or more)? Start over. Keep a journal. Find a partner. Get a mentor. These are some of the things that keep my on track. plz let me know if any of this is helpful. Be well.


Posted: 01/08/2014 in Uncategorized

You are blessed

If you are reading this message, you are blessed.

You have eye sight,

You can read.

You have access to a computer

Your can operate a computer.

You are healthy enough to sit up.

You are either at the office (you have gainful employment) or

You are at home (you have shelter).

You are farther ahead then 95% of the people on the planet.

You are blessed.

You are very blessed.

Be thankful.

Share your blessings.


Posted: 01/07/2014 in Uncategorized

Most people (about 95%) spent more time celebrating New Years than they did planning the new year. You get what you plan for.


Posted: 01/07/2014 in Uncategorized

This is going to be a great year. It is going to be a great year for anyone who will step up and take it. This will be my best year every because that is what I have been planning for month. I have set goals for reading, learning, going and doing. Spiritually, mentally, physically, socially, financially and in every way you can think of, this is going to be a great year. We are also working double to build our business to reach financial freedom by the end of the year. I ask for your prayers and support to make all this happen, and I would love for you to start your own journey of the GREATEST YEAR OF YOUR LIFE. I will be chronicling my journey on this blog regularly. Let’s go, 2014 has just begun.